With the Muslim world celebrates incoming Holy month of Ramadan, the Madrasah Comprehensive Development and Promotion Unit (MCDPU) is steadfast to its commitment in fostering Unity and Diversity amongst different cultures in beliefs around the City. As the Muslim world prepares for the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar, Symposiums and Seminars are now put together by Members of Darul Ifta Region XI, with its members are Ulama under the Madrasah Unit Office. The month of Ramadan is observed by Muslims all around the world as a period of fasting and intense praye sr in commemoration of the first revelation of the Holy Book, the QUR’AN, to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is considered as one of the Five Pillars of ISLAM and shall commence for 29 to 30 Days (based on the first and last moon sightings of the months.
The Welcoming RAMADHAN (RAMADHAN: A PATH TO PEACE), was initiated by the DARUL IFTA REGIOIN XI, in collaboration with NCMF office and Madrasah Unit office (MCDPU) and was attended by the Asatidz and members of Ulama under the Madrasah Unit of the City Mayors Offices. The symposium provides a PRELUDE of what the month of sRamadan is all about and its benefits for the Believers of Islam. The symposium serves as window of Learning for Muslims as well Non-Muslims which was held at Jamjom Mosque in Ecoland and was shown live through Facebook page (Jamjom Ecoland Mosque). The gathering of 138 Asatidz listened to the 5 Lecturers whom are Arabic Scholars (Ulama), headed by Shekih Jamal S. Munib Al Haj, former Madrasah Unit office Director and current NCMF Commissioner for Ulama together with the other Ulama, Sheikh Abdurrashid Mamuntuan, Sheikh Nasruddin Abdullah, Sheikh Abdulrahman Caderao and Ustadz Eisa Javier with the following topics: Tradition of Welcoming Ramadan, Virtues and ESSENCE OF Ramadan, Misconceptions and Welcoming the Holy month. The Ramadan will begin, based on the Moonsighting that will be conducted by the Darul Ifta from different regions around the country on April 1, 2022 (Friday). The Moonsighting will start around 5:00pm to 8:00pm and once the New Moon is sighted, the declaration to start Ramadan will be announced by the Mufti before or after Isha prayer (Evening). If in instance, the New Moon was not seen at the dusk (5:00pm) till evening (8:00pm) of April 1, 2022, the declaration of Ramadan will start on April 3, where Muslims prepares for fasting before Fajr (Morning Prayer).